DEVANEY KNIGHTLicensed Marriage and Family Therapist

Your Montrose-Based LGBTQ+ Affirming Therapist

Welcome! West Lake Houston Counseling is a counseling practice based locally in the Houston, TX area. We offer flexible meeting solutions with counseling services offered in-person in the Montrose area of Houston, and online to Texas and California residents.

Therapy for Sustainable Life Change

Frequently Asked Questions About Starting Therapy

How long are sessions?

Sessions are timed at 60 minutes (1 hour).

Where will we meet?

Texas clients have the option to be seen via telehealth video or at our local Montrose office location (5 min from downtown Houston). California residents are provided services via telehealth video.

How often will we meet?

Therapy is effective when it is consistent. We should meet regularly during the beginning stages of our work together (weekly or biweekly). When you begin to feel like “I’ve got this,” we can meet less frequently for maintenance or decide to close out our work together.

Do you accept insurance? Can I use that for my therapy sessions?

I no longer provide therapy services through third party insurance payers. Some clients opt to use their out-of-network coverage with their insurance company, and we are happy to help you find out whether you have this kind of coverage. We’ve partnered with a third-party service that streamlines getting reimbursed for your therapy sessions through out-of-network benefits.

How should I prepare for a video session?

Because therapy must be private and confidential, you should find a quiet space alone with minimal distractions. Video therapy is different from office-based therapy in that both the therapist and the client need to work together to ensure the therapy remains private. You are encouraged to use a computer, if possible. Placing yourself on ‘do not disturb’ will help prevent distractions during our session together so that you get the most from our time. Closing your open tabs/windows will also help you be present in the moments of your sacred therapy time.

I’m ready to begin. How do I get started?

Great! I look forward to working with you. If you have questions, please schedule your free 15-minute consultation call. This will help us to be sure that I am the best therapist for the issues concerning you at this time and to answer any questions you may have. From there, we can schedule your first appointment.

Other Frequently Asked Questions About Therapy

I feel very nervous about talking to a professional. I usually just deal with things on my own. Am I weak for seeking counseling?

No, seeking counseling does not make you weak. Many of us grew up hearing that therapy was for ‘other’ people and that the need for therapy means that you are defective in some way. It’s 100% normal to feel hesitant and nervous about making that initial call to start therapy. Many people feel nervous, self-conscious, or downright ashamed about what it means to “need therapy.” Simply put, therapy is a tool. It is one of many tools that can help a person navigate everyday life challenges. Although therapy is not a ‘one-size-fits-all’, I work hard to tailor my approach to fit your specific needs as they arise during our time together.

How will talking to a therapist be different from talking to someone I already know?

There can be great comfort in talking to someone you already know, however, therapists have the professional training to work with various problems from an array of perspectives. Our training prepares us to offer a level of support that fosters and encourages the development of new skills and prompts insight and perspective on your part. We can also provide feedback to help you towards the changes you seek to make and will offer safety and non-judgment with each session you attend. You would not have to worry about someone else’s opinions being pushed on you, or being told what to do in a situation.

There are few relationships in life where strict confidentiality is guaranteed. Therapists are bound by laws in place to protect your privacy as a client. Talking with friends or family members about personal problems, there is a risk of disclosure of your problems to other people – even when loved ones mean no harm. This can have negative effects on those relationships.

How does therapy work? How long will I need to attend therapy?

This is how therapy will work: sessions are timed at 50-55 minutes. The first few sessions are intended to get to know you as a client and help you establish your goals for therapy. From there, we will work together on those goals.  Therapy is most effective when you attend it regularly (particularly in the beginning). It’s helpful to approach therapy as an investment in yourself with the expectation of personal return. A large part of your successful outcomes will be related to how able you are to participate and remain committed to your goals.

What about medication? Can’t I just do that instead of therapy?

While medication treats various mental health symptoms, it is not designed to explore and treat foundational issues; therapy is. Therapy helps a person adopt new strategies for managing life’s challenges and accomplishing personal goals. Medication can be useful but is more effective with the support of talk therapy.

I am having relationship problems. Should I be in individual counseling, or should I and my partner come to couples counseling?

If your partner is agreeable to participating in sessions, couple therapy may be a suitable option. There are times when individual therapy is more appropriate for certain relationship problems. Specific recommendations will be provided if couple therapy is determined to be an inappropriate fit to address those concerns.

I want to get the most out of therapy. What can I do to help?

The true work of therapy takes place in between our sessions. This means that most of the work you do in the session will translate to various aspects of your personal life. Your discipline is crucial to meeting the goals you have. The time you spend on and with yourself between sessions is likely the greatest help towards therapy. This could include completing homework or other therapeutic activities (such as reading) outside of your therapy sessions. Your therapist can offer guidance based on your goals.

Service Overview



To increase positive mood and improve overall life functioning in ways


We will discuss the context of your anxiety and the ways it affects you daily.

Life Transitions

With every life transition, there can be a sense of grief at the loss you are experiencing.

Women’s Issues

Ongoing personal, interpersonal, and global issues affecting the lives of women.

Racial Identity

Many members of racial minority groups often report feeling isolated and stigmatized in the workplace

Psychotherapy for Individuals Seeking to Make Positive Life Change

We strive to provide a warm, accepting environment, and excellent care to the clients we serve. We each bring with us our clinical expertise and our humanity to the work we do. We are proud advocates for reducing mental health and therapy stigma, particularly in underserved populations. We are happy to welcome you here! West Lake Houston Counseling was founded in 2018 by Devaney Knight, LMFT-S.

The practice was founded on the intention of providing the community with “Therapy for Sustainable Life Change.” We are real people, helping real people with real problems. We are proud of our ongoing commitment to providing a therapeutic safe haven to those we serve!

Mental Health Matters Collage depicts multiple POC clients in different posed positions.


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